October 20, 2016

Bubbie Rose & Friends, circa 1925-27

Betty Grode (upper left) Bubbie Rose (lower right) circa 1925-27

 Betty Grode, circa 1927

Dad told me this about Betty Grode: She wrote this cookbook with her grandson, who is blind. They also put recipes on a CD which comes with the book. Some of her recipes are famous. When the recipe book was published in 2004, she was 103 years old and living in Florida. She passed away several years later. 

Bubbie Rose and Betty were friends since childhood and stayed in touch until Bubbie's death. Bubbie was also close friends with Betty's sister, Sarah Wolk. Betty and Sarah had a falling out years ago and the two of them would never visit Bubbie or attend a party when the other one was coming. Only Sarah came to Bubbie's 50th anniversary party.

Back row: Bernice, Bubbie Rose
Front Right: Betty Grode, circa 1927

Bernice & Bubbie Rose, circa 1925

 Bottom Right; Bubbie Rose & Betty Grode (others unknown) circa 1925

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