October 31, 2016

Fathers Day, 1977 on Patton Road, Wyndmoor, PA

Back row: (L-R) Uncle Barry, Pop-Pop, Uncle Lee with Greg, Sheldon. Alex Barsky ( Aunt Harriet's father), Ethel Barsky (Aunt Harriet's mother), Aunt Harriet, Rose Barsky (Aunt Harriet's grandmother/Alex's mother), Bubbie Rose. Center row: (L-R) Ken Rosenson, Arlynn, Lisa Polsky, Gary Rosenson. Sitting: Dad & Mom. Front: Ellynn & Sue. Note: Aunt Elaine is not in the picture. She probably was taking the picture.

Back row: (L-R) Ken, Sue, Arlynn, Sheldon, Ellynn. Front row; (L-R) Greg, Lisa, Gary.

Uncle Lee, Aunt Elaine & Dad.

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