October 31, 2016

Fathers Day, 1977 on Patton Road, Wyndmoor, PA

Back row: (L-R) Uncle Barry, Pop-Pop, Uncle Lee with Greg, Sheldon. Alex Barsky ( Aunt Harriet's father), Ethel Barsky (Aunt Harriet's mother), Aunt Harriet, Rose Barsky (Aunt Harriet's grandmother/Alex's mother), Bubbie Rose. Center row: (L-R) Ken Rosenson, Arlynn, Lisa Polsky, Gary Rosenson. Sitting: Dad & Mom. Front: Ellynn & Sue. Note: Aunt Elaine is not in the picture. She probably was taking the picture.

Back row: (L-R) Ken, Sue, Arlynn, Sheldon, Ellynn. Front row; (L-R) Greg, Lisa, Gary.

Uncle Lee, Aunt Elaine & Dad.

October 30, 2016

Uncle Lee & Carp!

On Lindenwood St. Probably 14 years old. Uncle Lee says, "Went Carp fishing with Dad before the holidays. I got lucky."

Uncle Lee, with his trumpet

Uncle Lee remembers,  "In a talent contest at our synagogue, Shaare Zedek. I remember losing the contest to a girl trumpet player."

In his marching band uniform. Overbrook High School.

Uncle Lee

Age three?

Age 5 at Heston Elementary school kindergarten. Uncle Lee says, " Note the color. I think Elaine used to use water color paint on the pictures."

Overbrook High School Graduation, 1961

MInstral Show, Shaare Zedek Synagogue - February, 1950

(L-R) four people names unknown, Harvey Laster (behind Jules),  Jules (age 16), Ronnie Lit (age 14)

Uncle Lee, Dad & Aunt Elanie - December, 1948

Lee (5+ yo),  Jules (almost 15 yo), Elaine (almost 10 yo)

October 21, 2016

Pop-Pop with the Stillman family, 1969

George Stillman worked with Pop-Pop in the machine shop 
at AEL (American Electronic Laboratories) in Lansdale, PA

Pop-Pop & family, circa 1930

Pop-Pop, Aunt Ethel, unknown, Zaida Zalman 

Uncle Lee asked: 
"Before Mom and Dad got married I know Mom lived in South Philly, but where did Dad live?" 

That question got Dad digging. Here's what he shared:
"I found the answers in Zaida's (Zalman or Solomen) naturalization papers and Mom and Dad's marriage license. 

When Dad was born he lived on a farm near Doylestown.  Soon after the family moved to 2141 S. American St. in South Philly. When Mom and Dad got married Dad was living with his parents at 4125 Westminister Ave. in West Philly near the Scrap Iron yard. After they married, they lived on Dickenson St. in South Philly. I was born while they lived on Dickenson St. When I was about 2 years old, they moved to 5134 Parkside Ave."
5134 Parkside Ave [zilllow.com]
Rayna chimed in: 
"The farm story is true!? My grandpa (Irving) told me about it, but I searched like crazy and never found a thing. He said it was in Jamison but I always wondered if it wasn't old age talking."

So Dad dug some more: 
"I have a copy of my Zaida’a Naturalization papers. It’s not in good shape, but on it I can read that the youngest child was Jake who was only 1 yr old. My Dad Ben is listed as 9 yrs old. Although the year is not legible, it would have to be 1914, since Ben was born in 1906. Aunt Riva, your grandfather Irving, and Aunt Ethel had not yet been born. The address on the Naturalization paper is 2441 S. American St. I assumed they lived on the farm before American St. If Irv talked about living on the farm, it would have to be after American St, and my assumption would have been wrong. Can you check the 1910, 1920, and 1930 census’ to see where they lived then. It should help shed some light on the stories. I know they lived on Westminister Ave in 1933 when my Dad got married. And in the 1940 census they lived on Hobart St. in Wynnfield."

Pop-Pop, a neighbor and a big carp, 1968

Pop-Pop with friends, circa 1931, 1932 & 1933




Pop-Pop in Wildwood with friends, 1930

October 20, 2016

Bernice & Bubbie Rose, 1925

In front of 2235 S. Reese Street in South Philly.

Bubbie Rose, Bernice & friends, 1931

 Left: Bernice and Bubbie Rose ( others unknown)

Left:Bubbie Rose; Right: Bernice (others unknown)

Bubbie Rose & Friends, circa 1925-27

Betty Grode (upper left) Bubbie Rose (lower right) circa 1925-27

 Betty Grode, circa 1927

Dad told me this about Betty Grode: She wrote this cookbook with her grandson, who is blind. They also put recipes on a CD which comes with the book. Some of her recipes are famous. When the recipe book was published in 2004, she was 103 years old and living in Florida. She passed away several years later. 

Bubbie Rose and Betty were friends since childhood and stayed in touch until Bubbie's death. Bubbie was also close friends with Betty's sister, Sarah Wolk. Betty and Sarah had a falling out years ago and the two of them would never visit Bubbie or attend a party when the other one was coming. Only Sarah came to Bubbie's 50th anniversary party.

Back row: Bernice, Bubbie Rose
Front Right: Betty Grode, circa 1927

Bernice & Bubbie Rose, circa 1925

 Bottom Right; Bubbie Rose & Betty Grode (others unknown) circa 1925