November 14, 2016

Zaida Zalman, Bubbie Goldie & family - 1908

Zaida Zalman, Bubbie Goldie. L-R: Ben (Pop-Pop), Yetta, & Ella

Bubbie Rose with friends

[top left]


1935 - 2 years old


Claire's Kids, Richard, Michael & Charles ?

Claire's Kids


Charles & Michael

Unidentified friends & relatives

Tina & William Gaul? Saul?

Tina 1974? 3 1/2 years old

William - 1977? -  5 months old

Tina 8 1/2 - William 2 1/2

Ilene Domashinski

Uncle Lee writes, "Ilene in the pretty dress was a dear friend of mine. Her last name was Domashinski. Also named Ilene Bellows. That's her graduation picture from Shoemaker Junior High School. She lived on 52nd st. near Columbia Ave. She was raised by her grandparents. Grandfather was a shoemaker . They lived in a tiny apartment in back of the store. Ilene was the first girl I kissed (in a coat closet) playing spin the bottle at a party she had in her apartment when we were in elementary school.

Ken & Gary

November 13, 2016

Dad 1939 - 5 years old

Dad writes, "After I was 5 years old in 1939, there are no more pictures of me taken by my mom and dad. Elaine came along in 1939, followed by Lee in 1943.

1947 Dad and friends

Dad says, "I was 13 years old and much taller than my friends about the same age." Back L-R: Bernie Rosenthal (neighborhood socialist), Jules Bass, Dad. Front Row L-R:Jackie Friedman (Dad's crush), Louis Lipitz, unknown girl -forgotten, Helene Kauffman.

Dad 1936-1938

1936 - with Bubbie & Pop-Pop 2 1/2 years old
1937 - 3 years old

1937 - 3 1/2 year old
1937 - 3 1/2 years old
1938 - 4 1/2 years old

1938 - 4 1/2 years old

Dad - 1935

May, 1935 - 15 months old

June, 1935 -16 months old
October, 1935 - 20 months old

Bubbie Rose with Dad - December, 1934 - 10 months old

Dad 1934

July 7, 1934 - 5 months old.

10 months old

December, 1934 -  10 months old,with Zelda Cohen

November 12, 2016


1937 Dad & Zelda Cohen. Best friends at 3 years old. Dad says he met her again at Overbrook High School and she completely ignored him.

1939- Edna, Cynthia and Dad. Cynthia Cooper was a neighbor. Dad says Bubbie always mis-spelled her name.

1939 - Elsie with Cynthia and Aunt Elaine

1943 - Uncle Lee with neighbor who lived on the 3rd floor of 5134 Parkside. The Metcalfs?